
The main projects and plants manufactured in the world

You searched for installations in the category 'Phosphating', in the world.

We have found 2 installations.

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View of the components to be treated

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Full view of the system

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Category: Metal surface treatment, Phosphating, Cold forming

Automated phosphating system for high pressure cylinders, with cleaning oven for the piece transport frames

Inside view - treatment tanks and transport robot

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External view by the side with inlet/outlet of the pipes of the fume suction system

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Three-dimensional overall drawing by the side of the electrical panel-board

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Three-dimensional overall drawing by the side of the treatment tanks

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Automation system - command panel on the electrical panel-board

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Automation system - main monitoring page of the software for personal computer

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Category: Metal surface treatment, Phosphating, Wear-resistance

Automated phosphating system for metallic parts of tools for wood, which are moved in baskets and sifters by a transport robot. Washing tanks and drying oven (80°C) are included. The whole system is covered by an iron structure with transparent polycarbonate panels.

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