
The main projects and plants manufactured in the world

You searched for installations in the category 'Automation', in the world.

We have found 13 installations.

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Full view of the post-combustor

1 / 7

Detail of the burner of the post-combustor

2 / 7

Internal detail of the post-combustor

3 / 7

Three-dimensional drawing of the post-combustor

4 / 7

Supervision software – main monitoring window

5 / 7

Supervision software – graphics window

6 / 7

Supervision software – setting window (working parameters of the fans)

7 / 7


Category: Automation, Control of processes

Post-combustion system which has been installed in a felt production factory; its purpose is both heating the drying chamber and thermally treating the polluted process air

Outside view - Filter side

1 / 9

Outside view - Flour mixer and combustion chamber side

2 / 9

Safety chimney and boiler

3 / 9

Flour mixer and combustion chamber

4 / 9


5 / 9


6 / 9

Main monitoring window of the supervision software

7 / 9

Window which allows to set the automatic timed start of heating for any day of the week

8 / 9

Graphic window

9 / 9


Category: Automation, Control of processes

Disposal system for animal flours (slaughtering residues)

View 1

1 / 4

View 2

2 / 4

Automation 1

3 / 4

Automation 2

4 / 4


Category: Automation, Control of processes

Disposal system for stearic acid with heat recovery as diathermic oil

Post-combustion chamber with gas piping and chimney

1 / 7

Rotating combustion chamber

2 / 7

Loading conveyors for the animal flours to be disposed

3 / 7

Rendering No 1

4 / 7

Rendering No 2

5 / 7

Main monitoring page of the supervision program

6 / 7

Graphic page of the program for the analysis of the working data

7 / 7


Category: Automation, Control of processes

Disposal system for animal flours with heat recovery by diathermic oil, with rotating combustion chamber

Transport chain with the painted pieces and inlet/outlet side of the polymerization oven

1 / 8

Loading/unloading zone for the pieces to be painted

2 / 8

Side of the drying oven with recycling fans and side of the pre-treatment tunnel

3 / 8

Aerial transport chain with the pending pieces to be painted

4 / 8

Painted pieces at the exit of the painting box

5 / 8

Main monitoring window of the supervision software for personal computer

6 / 8

Graphics window of the supervision software for personal computer

7 / 8

Window with the scheduled automatic starting times of heating for the ovens and the tanks

8 / 8


Category: Automation, Control of processes

Automated system for powder painting. The metallic items to be painted are transported by an aerial chain (speed: 1.3 to 2.4 metres per minute). The pre-treating tanks are provided with levels’ regulation system and temperatures’ regulation system. The system includes a tunnel-shape drying oven ( 140°C) and a polymerization oven (160°C to 210°C, residence time: at least 20 minutes).

Automatized transport robot carrying a pieces-holder frame

1 / 3

Three-dimensional drawing of whole automatized store

2 / 3

Main monitoring page of the supervision program for personal computer

3 / 3


Category: Automation, Control of processes

Automatized store for a chromium-plating system, with drying oven

Transport robots and treatment tanks

1 / 4

Transport robot with pieces-carrier frame

2 / 4

Transport conveyor and transfer device for loading/unloading

3 / 4

Supervision by computer

4 / 4


Category: Automation, Control of processes

Pre-treatment tunnel under manufacturing

1 / 5

Drying tunnel during manufacturing

2 / 5

Drying oven under manufacturing

3 / 5

Main monitoring page of the supervision software for computer

4 / 5

Graphs page of the software for working data analysis

5 / 5


Category: Automation, Control of processes

Automated powder painting system which is used for painting several kinds of metallic parts for external customers. The pre-treatment system is tunnel type, with spraying ramps. The transport system consists of an aerial mono-rail chain, with variable rate (1.0 to 3.5 metres/minute). The drying oven is linear chamber type, with working temperatures between 50°C and 110°C.

Transport chain with double rail and drying oven with linear chamber

1 / 6

Pre-treatment tunnel with spraying ramps

2 / 6

Transport chain with double rail and spraying painting chamber

3 / 6

Electrical panel-board for command and control

4 / 6

Supervision software: page with the schedule of automatic start of heating for of the system

5 / 6

Supervision software: main monitoring page which shows how whole system is working

6 / 6


Category: Automation, Control of processes

Automated powder painting system for metal office furniture

Pre-treatment tunnel

1 / 4

Transport chain, drying oven and inlet of the pre-treatment tunnel

2 / 4

Rendering of the whole system

3 / 4

Main monitoring page of the supervision program for personal computer

4 / 4


Category: Automation, Control of processes

Automated pre-treatment system for metallic plates before powder painting; the aerial transport chain and the drying oven are included

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